Introducing OutFlo
An easy way to journal your expenses


OutFlo helps you track discretionary spending and provides you with daily reports so you can make spending adjustments to stay within your goals during the course of the month. It's an easy way to track spending on dining out, entertainment and latte runs.

Here's how it works. At the end of the month, you can create new spending categories and assign a spending goal for each or leave it as is. This allows for seasonality, especially during the holiday season. You can create a gift category, increase your groceries spending goal, or delete categories not relevant for the new month. OutFlo provides flexiblity.

You'll receive a daily report showing you what has been spent month-to-date, how much is left to spend, and what you can safely spend daily to stay within goal. The report will have a link to your spending journal where you can log your daily spending on your phone in under 2 minutes from the comfort of your sofa if you happen to be watching television. This is an effective way of creating spending awareness.

OutFlo is a free app in beta. If you would like to try it, feel free to fill out and submit the form below.