Stock Options Analyzer (in Beta)

If you're considering selling or exercising your Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP), Restricted Stock Units (RSUs), Non-Qualified Stock Options (NSOs), or Incentive Stock Options (ISOs), Synergos's Stock Options Analyzer is designed to help you navigate this complex decision-making process. This tool assists in determining your ordinary income, short and long-term capital gains, and identifies qualifying and disqualifying dispositions for ESPP and ISOs.

Sample Stock Option Output

How It Works

  1. Enter stock option information to create template:

    Use the tables below to enter your stock option information. It will generate a CSV template file. You can use this template to add more options.

  2. Upload the Template:

    Once your information is organized and formatted correctly, upload the template to the analyzer.

    Warning: Do not include any account numbers, social security numbers, or personal identification information to protect your privacy.

  3. Calculate Outcomes:

    The tool will automatically calculate your ordinary income, as well as short and long-term capital gains based on the provided data. For ESPP and ISOs, the analyzer will also identify any disqualifying dispositions. The tool will then send you an encrypted email via GoDaddy (Proofpoint) with a PDF report of the calculations.

  4. Review Your Analysis:

    View a detailed breakdown of the potential tax implications. Understand the financial impact of your decision to sell or exercise your stock options.

  5. Consult with an Advisor:

    Always consult with a financial or tax advisor to ensure your unique tax situation is accurately considered. This will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals.

By following these steps, our Stock Options Analyzer provides a clear and concise understanding of the potential financial outcomes associated with your stock options, enabling you to make well-informed decisions.

Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)

Co Name Ticker Offering Date i Purchase Date Discount i Offering Price i Purchase Price
(with discount) i
FMV at Purchase i Current Price i Quantity i Tax Lot Id i


Restricted Stock Units (RSU)


Co Name Ticker Grant Date Vesting Date Vesting Price Current Price Quantity i Tax Lot Id i


Non-Qualified Stock Options (NSOs) Exercised


Co Name Ticker Grant Date Exercise Date Exercise Price FMV at Exercise i Current Price Quantity Tax Lot Id i


Incentive Stock Options (ISOs) Exercised


Co Name Ticker Grant Date Exercise Date Exercise Price FMV at Exercise i Current Price Quantity Tax Lot Id i


Upload Stock Option Template